Sunday, January 18, 2009

New Game Plan

So since starting classes last week and getting my letter from admissions telling me what I have left to do to actually get a seat in the RN program, I have started re-evaluate my course of action. The original plan was to go straight into the RN program, no ifs ans or buts. Well after looking at how long it will take to get me to graduation, I really want to fast track it. So I'll list the old plan and the new plan so you can see the differences.

Old Plan
1 - Take Assessment Test - Tried the ACT and that didn't go so well. Took the Compass or Assest, can't remember which and got high enough scores for the RN program.
2 - If ACT was achieved go direction to step 2, if not proceed to take 8 credits of Science with at least a GPA of 2.8.
3 - Take Gen Eds to get old GPA from Doane up .02 points to achieve cumlative GPA of 2.8.

Here are my options under the old plan, retake the ACT in April or just take 8 credits of Science. If I choose option 1 I could be able to get my seat in mid-May or June, if I chose option 2 then I have to wait till July or August. Now seeing as the current seats are for Fall of 2010, I need to try the second option. I don't need it to be Fall of 2011. Any way with the Fall of 2010 being the soonest I could start the nursing classes, after this semester I would only have 4
Gen eds left. I am hoping to take 2 over the summer and then one in Fall 09 and one in Spring 10. This just seems like a total waste of time to me, so I came up with a new plan, or a modified old one.

Old Plan + My Fast Track = New Plan
Continue with steps 1-3, chosing option 1 to get my seat by May.
4 - Re-apply to Nursing program for Practical Nursing. I am already qualified and seats are open for Fall of 09. WooHoo!

This being said I could be wasting less time with this new plan. I could be making more money sooner and there is the possibility that I could graduate a year earlier than with the old plan. The reason this would be is because the LPN and ADN programs share some classes. So I would already have a years worth of classes done before Fall 2010, meaning I could protentially graduate in the Summer of 2011 instead of Spring 2012. Now my advisor says that it's not a guarantee that it will work out as I imagine. I could get bumped up in my seat for the RN program while I'm in the LPN program. I personally don't see this happening, if that happens 60+ people would have to drop from the list, and you can only start in the Fall semester for the RN program. Plus the seats have been for Fall 2010 since we first met with my advisor in September. I think the chance of me getting bumped is slim to none.

I just think it would ROCK to graduate a year before I originally planned, which means a better and sooner chance for more children. Dave is starting to think if it takes me too long to get through school then Lexie may be our only child and that makes me really sad.