Wednesday, March 11, 2009

So ya..

Yep, I'm kind of lagging on the blogging, which isn't something new. Though I have to say I've had many a thing I could have blogged about.

First off in Lexie news, we just finished our run of antibiotics for an ear infection. Which we never would have known, had we not taken her in for a nasty case of pink eye she got at daycare. She has never been one to pull on her ears, she would just have fevers to signal ear infections and once we thought she might have pink eye, I started taking her temp a lot. Needless to say there was no fever, though she ran about 99 something when we took her in. So I was surprised to know that she had an ear infection. She had gone almost a whole year without one. Her last one was right before we moved back to GI. Also she isn't doing too hot with the time change, though neither am I. I worked my 3-11 this weekend and it made for a rough few mornings so far, for both me and her.

Dave is same old, same old. He did get a raise, right before they put a freeze on them till August. And he got insurance, though we could only afford to put him on it, since the company basically pays him for it. We did manage to get dental for the family, since it's not overly expensive.

As for me, well it's going. I'm sure there are things I will forget to mention but oh well. Work is going ok except for the occasional screw up with my schedule or people calling in sick so I have to come in. And actually this sounds so wrong but ever since I started working there I have been checking the Obits everyday. But that could just be because no one told me the last time someone passed away. There is a slight lack of communication at work. Today I looked in the obits and one of our residents passed away and it makes me sad, but then I think of how many problems he had and how much pain he had and remember that he is in a better place and now he doesn't have pain anymore.

And school, well, it's school. I thought I would be more interested in it this time around. And maybe it's just that I'm taking gen eds, but I'm not all that found of any of my classes except for maybe my chemistry class. Nutrition is interesting but trying to match the sources and functions of every vitamin to their name isn't necessarily easy, which makes me scared to get my test back tonight. Though I am happy to say I did manage to get my highest test grade yet, overall on my last Chemistry test and I got a 97. I was completely amazed. When I had biology at Doane I think I ended up with a C, which I'm not proud of to say the least. It just doesn't make sense that I would do so much better in Chemistry. Maybe it's the teacher, because I know when I switched Chem teachers in high school my grade went up almost 10 points. I actually did good in Organic Chemistry, which is completely crazy.

And with the whole school thing, my plan maybe messed up. I had my meeting in February and I come to find out they only have Spring '10 openings for LPN. So I'm hoping I get bumped up but I'm not getting my hopes up. I guess we will see how it all pans out. Oh and last week I had found my peon dream job. They had a CNA opening in peds and they also help in the obgyn department. If it had been part time I would have been all over it, but it was full time and I have enough problems managing full time student with part time job. I know people can manage to do both but not me. But I guess I'm also adding in taking care of a child and husband, but I'm sure others manage all those too. I guess I'm just lazy.

Any way I will try to stay more update. Oh and I got my hair cut and foiled. Here is a pic.