Thursday, December 18, 2008

Topic of Conversation..Babies

How my husband randomly brought up the topic of having children is beyond me, but he did. A little bit a background here, before I talk about the conversation. Before we decided to move to my hometown, we had planned to either try and have another child around the time that Lexie was between 3 and 4. I wanted to make sure she was out of diapers. And our side plan in case we didn't get a boy the second time around was to have one more, but the 2nd and 3rd would be a bit closer together. Of course planning for children isn't easy, and we sure didn't 'plan' to have Lexie, we just didn't prevent it from happening.

Now since we have moved our plans have changed. When we first moved here we were just going to push the next baby to happen when Lexie is around 4. Unfortunately I wasn't lucky enough to find a job here within my career field. As some may know I have now started to pursue a degree in Registered Nursing, and at this point if thing happen fast enough the soonest I could start my actually nursing classes is in Fall of 2010, which would push my graduation to Spring of 2012. We had hoped that we could get in early, so I could graduate in Spring of 2011. Either way Lexie would be 5 or 6 before we could have number 2.

On to the conversation, we are driving home from Dave's work. I had my test on the side of town he works on so it was pointless to drive home and them drive right back to the opposite side of town again. But as we were driving home he just says out of the blue, 'We could just have the one child, I'm not sure I could go through this again.' He means the terrible 2's. They truely are a bit rough, but not every child will be the same, especially if we have a girl. Then he shocks me and says 'Why don't we just have 3 so at least 2 are closer in age.' I think I have always like the idea of 3, though sometimes the middle child seems to get the short end of the stick. To me I just don't want one child. But it also really pains me that my 1st and 2nd child could potentially be 6 years apart. I also desparately want a boy, and I guess I will know for sure how I feel once my nephew comes into the world.

I guess I just thought I would share, since I never thought these words would come out of my husbands mouth.