Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The Unexpected Christmas Gift

Well we definitely got an unexpected Christmas gift this year. We got a nephew.

It all started on Christmas Eve when we went to my brother-in-law's house for Christmas in Kearney. We did the whole eating thing and opening gifts. After everyone had left except me and Dave, we watched some movies together. I think we got done watching movies around 11:30 that night, and when everyone started getting ready for bed, my sister-in-law started acting a little odd. Well Dave and I crawl into bed and my brother-in-law says they are going to the hospital and we find out her water broke. This was very unexpected since the original due date was January 20th and they were going to have their C-Section on the 12th. Needless to say they weren't ready. I think they were really glad that we were there, since my sister-in-law's water never broke with her first child. We were able to reasure them that everything would be fine and that we went through this with Lexie. We followed them to the hospital and around 3am my brother-in-law came in to tell us that everything was fine and then we all decided to go home and let the baby and my sister-in-law get some rest.

Since they weren't quite ready I set myself to work to start getting some of the baby clothing washed and ready for them. I got most of the clothing washed the next morning and we took a bag of baby clothes to the hospital the next day. I always wish I could have done more and that I didn't have to work all weekend, maybe I could have helped out more.

Today we go back to Kearney to see my nephew and let Lexie stay with my in-laws for awhile since my mother-in-law has Christmas break. I'm pretty excited to see the nephew again he is so cute.

Landon Pete
Born: December 25th, 2008 at 1:38am
Weight: 6lbs 3oz
Length: 20in


Friday said...

Awwwww! What a wonderful gift. I'm sure you helped out plenty, baby girl. Congrats to your family on the precious new addition!